Sometimes the biggest surprises come when you least expect them. And I have to admit – I am SURPRISED. So puppy comes home (Seaquel for those of you that don’t know) and she is beyond adorable. Within two hours, while standing in Happy Husky Bakery, Rex let her know he was the boss. She ran away whimpering and I thought …
I’m scared
I’m scared. Seven years ago, I brought Rex home and he changed my life. He was my rock during several years of struggle and, now, everything is starting to come together. My life, although different than I’d planned, is returning. I can breathe a little, where I couldn’t before. So why, I ask myself, am I looking to shake things …
Got S.A.D.?
According to the dictionary – Summer is “a period of fruition, fulfillment, happiness, or beauty.” Winter is “a period of time characterized by coldness, misery, barrenness, or death.” Well that pretty much sums it up, don’t you think? Having lived in this area since I was 2 years old, I’m used to the winter. Not my favorite time of year but …
New Years? Bah, Humbug no more
I don’t know about you, but I’m one who has never understood the rush to celebrate New Years Eve. I don’t get it. When asked what I was going to be doing, I had a simple answer: sleeping. I don’t want to see Ryan Seacrest (now I”m really aging myself – it used to be Dick Clark). I’m not interested …
Conference Thoughts
en·rich transitive verb \in-ˈrich, en-\ :: to improve the quality of (something) : to make (something) better : to improve the usefulness or quality of (something) by adding something to it I’m sitting here in Baltimore and missing Rex, my parents, my staff, you and our dogs. I’m also thinking of all the speakers I’ve listened to over the past …
Understand the Winter and Dogs
I don’t know about you, but there is something I don’t like about winter. Maybe it’s the day’s getting longer (or seeming so). Perhaps it’s the cold. Maybe it’s the dark. Yes, it’s definitely the lack of sunlight which put’s me into a funk. As a child, I could eat a pint of ice cream and STILL be hungry. I …
Fall and your dog
They say dogs are color blind, but I don’t believe it. Rex has a toy “chest” where he keeps ALL of his priced positions. Whenever we come back from being out, even for an hour, Rex runs into the house to check his “chest” and make sure ALL of his toys are there. And here’s the interesting thing. He has …
So you’re having a baby – or expanding your family
Yes, it’s true. I pay a dog walker take Rex out twice a week for a walk Does this strike you as ironic? It does me ☺. When I first considered opening up this business, I went to a conference where ALL of the speakers said, “If you think you are going to spend all day with your dog, you’re …
Dealing with Life Changes
If you were with us last year, you were part of the Rex is 6 celebration. We are looking forward to our Rex is 7 celebration but not what it means. He is getting older. And that means he’s joining ME in getting older. It’s disconcerting enough for me. Each day there are things I shrugged off in my younger …
Let’s Move… for your Dog
“Show me your friends and I’ll show you who you’ll become” is a proverb often quoted. The same can be said for your dog. Think not? The news is filled with reports about people struggling against the battle of the bulge, but it’s not just people who are struggling. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 52.5 percent of dogs …